Ronald Crump (Candidate)
Hello, I am Ronald Jack Crump. I was born and raised in Madison, Mississippi on January 21, 1946. I have been happily married to my wife Melanie Crump for 13 years. I enrolled at Fordham University and after two years transferred to Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where I graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics. I am a Republican that values the rights of the people and will work to Keep America Safe. Legal Immigration, preserving the Second Amendment, and protecting the First Amendment are some of the values I hold very near to my heart and I will do my best to uphold my promises in office.

Jessie Nystrom (Press Secretary)

Pike Mence (Vice President)
I am the Vice President, Pike Mence, for the 2018-2019 campaign of Crump/Mence. I am an all American, born and raised. This country is the most important thing to me, more than family. I live and breathe red, white and blue. Raised by liberals, relevant beliefs led me to become die-hard conservative. I am proudly a member of the Crump party. The wellbeing of the United States is all I focus on and myself and Mr. Crump will make this country continue its reign as the best country in the world. I meet all the requirements to be a Vice President. I worked as a senator for many years and served in the Marines. I am perfect.

Melanie Crump (Candidate spouse)
My name is Melanie Crump and I am the wife of Ronald Crump. I was born on September 29, 1970, which makes me 48. I have been married to Ronald Crump for 13 years now. We met when I was in the United States for fashion week. We got married on January 22, 2005 . I was born and raised in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. I came to United States after we got married but I have had Us Citizenship for longer than I have been married. I completely support the Crump Organization and the whole team involving Pike Mence, Garrett Garcia, Jerry Nystrom, and Ronald Crump. I truly believe the Crump Foundation.

Garrett Garcia (Campaign manager)
I am Garrett Garcia, and I am 35 years old. I was born in on September 23, 1984. I was raised in Denver, Colorado by my parents, Julie Garcia and Jackson Garcia. I studied political sciences for 6 years and got an MBA at Columbia University. Between getting my undergraduate and my MBA, I worked with Americorp as a teacher. While doing that, I worked on several campaigns. As part of that, I developed an understanding of creating a successful campaign and developed multiple successful websites for various companies such as 🅱️all Street Journal and Fake News Network (Also known as FNN). After that, I ran several several campaigns that get members of state legislatures and Congress elected. I was hired as the campaign manager of the Crump Organization on January 26, 2017. I joined the Crump Organization because they truly believe in things that will make America great and keep it that way. The Crump organization was interested in my experience with technology, business, and social sciences and sought me out. I believe that the Crump Organization will make the United States the greatest nation of the world. I will stick by the Crump Organization all the way and so should you.